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Press release 2


Intelligent Recycling of PET bottles


In the end there appeared a solution of high technological level for the problem of recycling PET bottles.

PET bottles are more and more used by the beverage industries in the place of the traditional glass bottles with the consequence of increasing and inflating the urban waste. As they are easy to collect, there exist already methods of elimination or reuse of PET bottles:

o In the elimination process they are burned to generate energy. The combustion is relatively clean but still does constitute a crime against the natural resources of the world. PET is a noble raw material with origins in the crude oil which for itself represents a non-renewable source with a predictable end.

o The second method of reuse is the recycling by mills for less noble applications, because there happens a degradation of the polymer in this process.

o Another process is the recycling and granulation with extruders which needs a lot of technological experience in order to get a product that can be transformed again into bottles or other products of high commercial value.

The problem of recycling PET with extruders is the influence of water (moisture) and the process heat, which degrade its properties of plastification and transparency.

Now were developped methods of recycling of PET which result in granules of high value, practically without degrading or in some cases even with a betterment of its properties. *)

Plastmachines Gelderland of Germany, the owner of this know-how, manufactures complete lines for the recycling of PET with capacities ranging from 50 to 1500 kg/h.

Due to their "wide spectrum" properties these lines of the type "Kombianlage ZTE" can be used for the recycling of practically all other usual thermoplasts, increasing thus the speed of return on investment und the economical feasibility of the recycling project.

We resume below the main advantages of the Plastmachines Gelderland process:

· High level and trustworthy technology

· High commercial value of the granules

· Multipurpose of the line

· Fast return of the investment


*) valid for clean industrial scrap

To get more informations enter in contact with:

KWM - Rio
Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 430-6°andar, 22410-002 Rio de Janeiro-RJ
Tel: xx55 21 98828 1549
E-mail: info@kwmrio.com


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Last modification: 20 dezembro, 2016